Zettel.io does not take notes, it allows you to manage notes, any attachments or metadata that is associated with those notes. Zettel.io doesn't concern itself with how the Note was made or what with.
Notes are managed in Kastens, a Kasten is a container like a file directory or like the original Zettelkasten a Cabinet with hooks to hang strips of paper which were notes, or Zettel. They could also be visualised as boxes of cards, the cards or strips can be rearranged, sorted, indexed.
In Zettel.io each Note is in a Kasten but a Zettel can be copied or moved to another Kasten. In use Copy is much more useful, a copied Zettel is a shallow copy which is just enough to manage in the Kasten, If the Zettel is inspected then the original copy is used. A single Zettel could be in many Kasten.
In a Kasten the Zettels can be rearranged, sorted in whatever arrangement you desire and that arrangement saved.
Any tags that the Note came with are used, indexed in the Zettel.
There are three different visual layouts of Kasten.
A table, that looks much like any table. The rows of the table (which are the Zettels) can't be rearranged it's a static view and is the default view of a Kasten.
Strips. Each Zettel is a strip, a horizontal block laid out vertically one after another. A Strip is generally quite shallow but if there are many Tags they will increase the Strip's depth. Each strip can be moved or rearearranged and saved.
Cards. Each Card is a rectangular block laid out in array depending upon the width of the available display. Every Card can be moved and rearranged.
Zettel.io is in alpha-- stage. This is more than a proof of concept but less than an operational and scalable product. It is being developed in public incrementally, sometimes very slowly sometimes not and without fanfare. But it is not secret and it is getting ever closer to making it to a beta release.